Ep 21: Mystical Mondays – Magic and Manifestation – Can You Really Pull A Rabbit Out of Your Hat

In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan dive deep into the world of magic and manifestation. They explore how different traditions approach these concepts, emphasizing that we are all parts of the divine with the power to create and manifest in our lives. Kelle defines magic as energy work, highlighting the importance of intention as the core element. 🪄✨

Key Points:

  • Magic, Language, and Energy Hygiene for Empaths (5:45)
  • Kelle stresses the importance of positive language in magic.
  • She shares intriguing tales from her magical house, where rules were set to prevent problems, like no time and space manipulation without permission and ensuring guests – corporeal and non-corporeal – needed to follow the house rules.
  • Energetic hygiene in Reiki practice is crucial, and Kelle offers a free class on boundaries for empaths to safeguard your energy fields. 🌟🛡️

Manifestation, Acceptance, and Protection Through Intentions (13:47)

  • Stories of manifestation successes, like visualizing a bobcat and finding free help, and Kelle’s experience of a stranger offering to refinish store floors.
  • Creative protections in a retail space, including a lightning-struck oak tree made of chicken wire and paper mache, and dealing with a local kleptomaniac.
  • The significance of intentions and the impact on reality. 🌳🔮

Wards, Protections, and Property Intentions (21:29)

  • Discussion on using wards (protections) in a store and the importance of removing them after use.
  • Cool story about a protection on a house in Virginia.
  • Kelle describes a vivid dream involving falling trees while riding her bike and her husband’s encounter with a homeless man during COVID. 🏡🌲

Magic, Manifestation, and Energy Work with Kelle Sparta (26:42)

  • Sharing magical experiences, like a dead snake at the property’s edge and an ex-business partner sensing unique energy.
  • Helping a student set protections during Hurricane Ida.
  • Teaching how to adjust wards to align with energies for protection and the power of believing in one’s own magic.
  • Encouraging listeners to choose their intentions wisely, as they create their reality. 🌪️🌀

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Get Your Copy of the Free e-Course on Boundaries for Empaths.  Click Here [https://courses.kellesparta.com/products/courses/view/1144322]

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

Ep 16: Mystical Mondays – Ready To Become The Hero On Your Journey? How To Discover Your Spiritual Roadmap

In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan delve into the journey of spiritual and personal growth, offering valuable insights on becoming the hero of your own story. They discuss the importance of taking responsibility for your happiness, the stages of spiritual awakening, and the roadmap to personal evolution. Join them as they guide you on discovering your spiritual roadmap and embracing your power.

Key Points:

Taking Responsibility for One’s Own Happiness (0:04)

  • Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan emphasize the importance of being the main character in your own life.
  • Discuss the significance of taking responsibility for your happiness in relationships.
  • Importance of communicating needs and desires to maintain mutual support and happiness.

Spiritual Awakening Stages and How to Avoid Distractions (4:36)

  • Explanation of the ongoing spiritual awakening process with periods of rest and growth.
  • Kelle Sparta outlines spiritual evolution stages starting with discovery (2-5 years) and moving to proof and proselytizing.
  • Reference to Kelle’s book “The Overachiever’s Guide to Spiritual Awakening” for codified stages of spiritual evolution.

Spiritual Growth Stages, from Orientation to Mastery (9:15)

  • Discussion on stages of spiritual orientation/addiction, beginning with orientation and consumption of information.
  • Challenges faced when losing friends who do not share the same enthusiasm for newfound spiritual practices.
  • Emphasis on turning inwards for growth and solutions, avoiding spiritual addiction.

Personal Growth Stages, Including Self-Acceptance and Power Ownership (14:07)

  • Kelle Sparta explains stages of personal growth from reflection to letting go of identity masks (stages 4-8).
  • Importance of stepping into one’s power and trusting oneself in stage 9 (self-acceptance).
  • Challenges at stage six of manifestation, where testing power can lead to overwhelm or limiting access to it.
  • Personal anecdotes from Kelle about struggling with power and the necessity of doing “rage work” to fully embrace one’s power.

Personal Growth Stages and Self-Awareness (18:45)

  • Discussion on stages of personal growth, including self-acceptance and self-love.
  • Outline of a hero’s journey process for personal growth.
  • Joshua Radewan describes his journey of hacking the matrix, mentioning stages and a spiral of growth.
  • Encouragement for listeners to embark on their own personal hero’s journey, emphasizing the importance of intention and attention.

Join Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they explore the stages of spiritual and personal growth, guiding you to become the hero of your own journey and discover your spiritual roadmap. 🌟

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh.  Click here.

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

Ep 11: Mystical Mondays – The Identity Tango: Do You Have Two Left Feet?

Join Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan as they dive into the enchanting dance of personal growth and identity shifts. Explore the transformative journey of navigating the tango of transformation, overcoming limiting beliefs, and setting empowering goals. Discover insights on being present in the journey, shifting ancestral patterns, and cultivating supportive relationships.

Key Points Covered:

📻 Embarking on the Journey:

  • Kelle introduces the vibrant format of Mystical Mondays, delving into personal growth, identity shifts, and the dance of transformation.

💥 Shifting Identity:

  • Joshua shares his journey of stepping into a deeper form of his business, embracing new behaviors and beliefs aligned with his evolving identity.

🌈 Navigating Ancestral Patterns:

  • Explore how ancestral patterns influence personal growth and learn strategies for handling ancestral issues back to their rightful owners.

🚧 Embracing Change:

  • Dive into the transformative power of letting go and facing challenges, and discover how retreats can provide a supportive environment for growth.

❤️ Self-Care and Energetic Shift:

  • Learn about the importance of self-compassion, energetic safety, and mindfulness coaching in deepening spiritual practices.

⚠️ Discernment in Spiritual Communities:

  • Gain insights into navigating misinformation in spiritual communities online and the importance of critical thinking.

🔗 Integrating Spiritual Practices:

  • Discover the interconnectedness of various spiritual practices and their role in fostering conscious leadership and personal development.

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

Ep 6: Mystical Mondays: Am I Going Crazy or Ami I having A Spiritual Awakening?

Welcome to “Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays!” In this enlightening episode, join Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they delve into the profound world of spiritual awakenings. Are you experiencing one, or does it just feel like you’re going crazy? Let’s explore this transformative journey together. 🌈


  • [00:04] Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Kelle and Josh discuss the causes and personal growth aspects of spiritual awakening. Listen as they share how these profound experiences push us to re-evaluate our beliefs and stop negative behaviors.
  • [03:48] Journey of Self-Discovery: 🌿 Kelle shares her own crisis of faith and subsequent spiritual journey, including learning shiatsu, Reiki, and undergoing a life-changing Saturn Return. Discover the importance of co-creating with the spirit and how Kelle embraced her role as the “Spirit DoctorTM.”
  • [10:20] Navigating Spiritual Contracts: 💫 Dive into the world of shamanism with Kelle as she discusses how major life events can trigger spiritual awakenings and the importance of recognizing and navigating spiritual contracts.
  • [16:41] Impact on Mental Health: Kelle talks about her spiritual awakening post-divorce and shares how intuition and signs play a crucial role in connecting with spirituality. Learn how to manage the mental health impacts of spiritual awakenings, including dealing with unusual occurrences like hauntings.
  • [23:01] Physical Symptoms of Awakening: 🌊 Discuss the physical manifestations of spiritual awakening, such as emotional pain, nausea, and vertigo, and understand why these symptoms occur as part of the clearing process.
  • [28:41] Deepening Personal Growth: Listen to a powerful personal story about spiritual “dismemberment” and recovery, highlighting the intense nature of spiritual awakenings and the necessity of internal work.
  • [34:24] The Importance of Perseverance: 💪 Kelle reflects on the need for perseverance and the power of stubbornness in overcoming spiritual challenges. Embrace the language of the Spirit and learn to see your spirit guides as allies on your journey.

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.

Ep 1: Mystical Mondays – WTF – Spiritual Awakening – Is It Real?

Welcome to Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays! 🎉 Dive into the enchanting realm of spiritual awakenings. Are they a glimpse into a higher self, or just a myth? 🤔 Join Kelle Sparta, a revered spiritual guide and shaman, alongside her insightful guest, Joshua Radewan. They’re here to unfold the mysteries of spiritual connection, growth, and awakening with vibrant stories and profound guidance that will inspire and enrich your spiritual journey!

Key Points Covered:

  • [00:04] Welcome to Spirit Guides Podcast: 📻 Kelle introduces the vibrant format of the Spirit Guides podcast, featuring enlightening segments like “Awaken” on Mondays, “Tune In” on Tuesdays, and “Freedom” on Fridays. Kelle shares her lifelong dedication to spiritual growth and her mission to elevate consciousness across the globe.
  • [06:04] Exploring Spiritual Awakening and Clairvoyance: 💥 Joshua shares his journey of spiritual awakening, peppered with moments of clairvoyance and profound personal growth. Both Kelle and Joshua discuss their work in channeling and energy healing, assisting others who are waking up to their spiritual gifts earlier in life.
  • [10:50] Defining Spiritual Awakening and Manifestation: 🌈 Delve into the essence of spiritual awakenings—powerful moments of intuition and sudden realizations that catalyze significant personal and spiritual growth. Kelle encourages listeners to harness these experiences for self-discovery and manifesting their desired realities.
  • [17:15] Navigating Personal Growth and Divine Healing: 🚧 Focus on the transformational healing and growth that accompany deep spiritual work, highlighting the journey towards soul retrieval and achieving inner peace. They stress the importance of embracing these transformative experiences, despite initial discomfort.
  • [20:54] Self-Acceptance and Energetic Safety: ❤️ Kelle discusses overcoming perfectionism through divine healing and self-compassion, emphasizing the significance of energetic safety and mindfulness coaching in preparing oneself for deeper spiritual practices.
  • [26:28] Critical Thinking in Spiritual Communities: ⚠️ Kelle warns of misinformation in spiritual communities online, advocating for critical thinking and discernment in engaging with content related to spiritual guidance and luminaries.
  • [29:33] Integrating Spiritual Practices and Conscious Leadership: 🔗 Kelle aims to bridge various spiritual practices, demonstrating their interconnectedness and their collective role in fostering conscious leadership. The episode concludes with encouragement to take gradual steps in personal and spiritual development.

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.