Ep 8: Align Wednesdays: Is The Ghost In The Machine Me?

Welcome to this week’s episode of “Spirit Guides,” where we tackle the intriguing question: Is The Ghost In The Machine Me? Dive into a thought-provoking discussion with Kelle Sparta and her co-host Katherine Loranger as we explore how self-limiting beliefs and fears can stifle entrepreneurs’ growth and success. 🌟


  • [00:04] Unpacking Self-Limiting Beliefs: Kelle and Katherine Loranger share insights into how personal growth journeys reveal that self-imposed limitations are often the biggest barriers to business success. They discuss common hurdles like fears, perfectionism, and risk aversion that hold entrepreneurs back.
  • [04:58] Overcoming Fear of Fame: Kelle discusses her personal struggle with the fear of fame and its potential negative consequences. Learn how a transformative conversation with her spirit guides helped her embrace her mission while managing these fears, leading to a significant increase in her social media presence and business growth.
  • [10:33] Challenging Fears and Beliefs: Discover the importance of recognizing and confronting fears and limiting beliefs as signs of potential growth. Kelle and Katherine emphasize the power of befriending fear and using it as a tool for business and personal development.
  • [13:46] Influence of Past Lives and Ancestral Stories: Kelle shares how understanding the impact of past lives, ancestral stories, and soul contracts can play a critical role in financial and business success. This segment delves into the deep connections between our past influences and current realities.
  • [19:21] Balancing the Spiritual and the Practical: Kelle stresses the importance of practical solutions and the need for a balance between spiritual approaches and real-world actions in achieving personal and business growth.
  • [22:34] Metaphors and Symbolism in Personal Growth: Learn how to identify and interpret the metaphors and symbols in everyday life that influence your belief structures and realities. Kelle guides listeners on how to unwind these patterns to create a new, desired identity.

Get Katherine’s free meditation for spiritually oriented entrepreneurs at: Katalystcoaching.com

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.

Ep 7: Tap In Tuesdays: Why Do I Want It?

Welcome to this episode of “Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays!” Join Kelle Sparta as she guides you through an enlightening journaling exercise designed to explore the depths of personal growth and self-discovery. Discover the motives behind your desires and tap into your true aspirations. 🌟


  • [00:04] Exploring Personal Growth: Kelle Sparta kicks off the episode with a transformative journaling exercise that encourages listeners to dig deep into why they want what they desire. This journey of self-discovery is aimed at revealing the underlying motivations and aligning them with your true self.

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.

Ep 6: Mystical Mondays: Am I Going Crazy or Ami I having A Spiritual Awakening?

Welcome to “Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays!” In this enlightening episode, join Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they delve into the profound world of spiritual awakenings. Are you experiencing one, or does it just feel like you’re going crazy? Let’s explore this transformative journey together. 🌈


  • [00:04] Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Kelle and Josh discuss the causes and personal growth aspects of spiritual awakening. Listen as they share how these profound experiences push us to re-evaluate our beliefs and stop negative behaviors.
  • [03:48] Journey of Self-Discovery: 🌿 Kelle shares her own crisis of faith and subsequent spiritual journey, including learning shiatsu, Reiki, and undergoing a life-changing Saturn Return. Discover the importance of co-creating with the spirit and how Kelle embraced her role as the “Spirit DoctorTM.”
  • [10:20] Navigating Spiritual Contracts: 💫 Dive into the world of shamanism with Kelle as she discusses how major life events can trigger spiritual awakenings and the importance of recognizing and navigating spiritual contracts.
  • [16:41] Impact on Mental Health: Kelle talks about her spiritual awakening post-divorce and shares how intuition and signs play a crucial role in connecting with spirituality. Learn how to manage the mental health impacts of spiritual awakenings, including dealing with unusual occurrences like hauntings.
  • [23:01] Physical Symptoms of Awakening: 🌊 Discuss the physical manifestations of spiritual awakening, such as emotional pain, nausea, and vertigo, and understand why these symptoms occur as part of the clearing process.
  • [28:41] Deepening Personal Growth: Listen to a powerful personal story about spiritual “dismemberment” and recovery, highlighting the intense nature of spiritual awakenings and the necessity of internal work.
  • [34:24] The Importance of Perseverance: 💪 Kelle reflects on the need for perseverance and the power of stubbornness in overcoming spiritual challenges. Embrace the language of the Spirit and learn to see your spirit guides as allies on your journey.

Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.com

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.

Ep 4: Thursday Thoughts: Can I Talk to My Spirit Guides?

Welcome to “Spirit Guides Thursday Thoughts!” In this captivating episode, explore the fascinating world of connecting with spirit guides and understanding their messages. Join our hosts as they discuss the powerful roles that spirit guides play in expanding personal power and comfort in one’s own skin. 🌈


  • [00:04] Introduction to Spirit Guides: 🌟 The discussion begins with an introduction to the concept of spirit guides and their role in our lives. The hosts explore how these guides can help us grow more comfortable with ourselves and increase our personal power.
  • Recognizing Messages from Spirit Guides: 💬 The conversation delves into how one can recognize when they’re receiving a message from their spirit guides. Kelle Sparta shares her experience of maintaining an open channel with her guides, providing listeners with tips on how to cultivate their own connections.
  • Real-Life Examples of Guidance: 📅 Kelle recounts instances where she felt unsure about attending events that were scheduled, and how listening to her intuition often led to significant, albeit unexpected, outcomes.
  • Turning Frustration into Insight: 🔄 Kelle shares a personal story where she spent hours helping a friend in crisis instead of attending a planned event, suggesting that what might seem frustrating can actually be purposeful and transformative.
  • A Shift in Perspective: 🔄 Joey C. discusses how apparent setbacks, like missed job opportunities, can lead to better outcomes, emphasizing the importance of perspective and openness to guidance.

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.

Ep 5: Ascend Fridays: Monster, Monster Go Away, I Have Sacred Space Today

Welcome to “Spirit Guides Friday Ascend!” This episode is a deep dive into the art of creating and maintaining sacred spaces for energetic work. Join hosts Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they lead a transformative shamanic session, casting circles and invoking spiritual protection and balance. 🌀


  • [00:04] Creating Sacred Spaces: 🌟 Kelle Sparta kicks off the session by guiding listeners through the process of casting a circle, explaining the purpose and significance of this practice in energetic work.
  • [04:15] Closing Spiritual Circles for Protection: 🛡️ The importance of closing spiritual circles is emphasized, illustrating how neglecting this step can lead to exhaustion and other difficulties. Kelle shares a personal anecdote about the immediate relief experienced after closing a forgotten circle, highlighting the tangible effects of these practices.
  • [08:27] Casting Circles with Intention: 🔮 Kelle provides practical instructions on how to cast a circle for personal growth and spiritual work, stressing the importance of intention over rote recitation of words. This section is crucial for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual practices with authenticity and focused energy.
  • [13:25] Spirituality, Guides, and Rituals: 🌈 Kelle calls upon various spirits and ancestors for guidance and transformation during a circle casting ceremony. This powerful ritual serves as a vivid example of how to connect with the spiritual realm for guidance and support.

Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊

  • Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here.
  • For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com
  • Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
  • Get a Spiritual Evolution Energy Review (SEER) Reading from Josh. Click here.