Spirit Guides is a transformative podcast dedicated to guiding listeners through the nuances of spiritual and personal growth. It aims to serve as a vital resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of spirituality beyond traditional frameworks and integrate it into various aspects of daily life.

Jump into the energetic world of Spirit Guides, a podcast that takes you on a wild ride through spiritual and personal growth! 🌟 Whether you’re looking to shake up your soul routine or dive deep into the spiritual unknown, this podcast is your go-to guide for all things mystical and practical.

Every week is an adventure with themed days:

  • Mystical Mondays kickstart your spiritual awakening journey.
  • Tap in Tuesdays get you journaling and digging deep within.
  • Align Wednesdays help apply your spiritual insights to boost your business and expand your impact into the world at large.
  • Thursday Thoughts drop quick, savvy advice to keep your spirit in check.
  • Ascend Fridays are all about stepping into the energy and the magic with readings, sound healings, and guided meditations to wrap up your week.

Spirit Guides is here to break down the walls between spiritual disciplines, offering fresh, fun views on spirituality beyond the usual, and fostering unity in growth. Tune in and transform your everyday into the extraordinary!


Mystical Mondays
Tap In Tuesdays
Align Wednesdays
Thursday Thoughts
Ascend Fridays

Ep 21: Mystical Mondays – Magic and Manifestation – Can You Really Pull A Rabbit Out of Your Hat

In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan dive deep into the world of magic and manifestation. They explore how different traditions approach these concepts, emphasizing that we are all parts of the divine with the power to create and manifest in our lives.

Ep 16: Mystical Mondays – Ready To Become The Hero On Your Journey? How To Discover Your Spiritual Roadmap

In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan delve into the journey of spiritual and personal growth, offering valuable insights on becoming the hero of your own story.

Ep 11: Mystical Mondays – The Identity Tango: Do You Have Two Left Feet?

Join Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan as they dive into the enchanting dance of personal growth and identity shifts. Explore the transformative journey of navigating the tango of transformation, overcoming limiting beliefs, and setting empowering goals.

Ep 6: Mystical Mondays: Am I Going Crazy or Ami I having A Spiritual Awakening?

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays!" In this enlightening episode, join Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they delve into the profound world of spiritual awakenings. Are you experiencing one, or does it just feel like you're going crazy? Let's explore this transformative journey together. 🌈

Ep 1: Mystical Mondays – WTF – Spiritual Awakening – Is It Real?

Welcome to Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays! 🎉 Dive into the enchanting realm of spiritual awakenings. Are they a glimpse into a higher self, or just a myth? 🤔 Join Kelle Sparta, a revered spiritual guide and shaman, alongside her insightful guest, Joshua Radewan. They’re here to unfold the mysteries of spiritual connection, growth, and awakening with vibrant stories and profound guidance that will inspire and enrich your spiritual journey!

Ep 22: Tap in Tuesdays – What Do I Dream Of

In this episode of Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays, Kelle Sparta guides listeners on a profound journey of self-discovery. She delves into the power of journaling as a tool for personal growth, helping individuals uncover their deepest dreams and aspirations. 📝✨

Ep 17: Tap in Tuesdays – Why Do I Define Myself In These Terms

In this episode of Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays, Kelle Sparta guides listeners through self-discovery journaling exercises and announces an exciting podcast giveaway. Dive into the journey of understanding how you define yourself and uncover the deeper layers of your identity.

Ep 12: Tap In Tuesdays – Who Am I?

Welcome to this episode of "Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays!" Join Kelle Sparta as she guides you through an enlightening journaling exercise designed to explore the depths of personal growth and self-discovery. Discover the motives behind your desires and tap into your true aspirations.

Ep 7: Tap In Tuesdays: Why Do I Want It?

Welcome to this episode of "Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays!" Join Kelle Sparta as she guides you through an enlightening journaling exercise designed to explore the depths of personal growth and self-discovery. Discover the motives behind your desires and tap into your true aspirations. 🌟

Ep 2: Tap In Tuesdays: What Do I Want?

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Tap In Tuesdays!" 🌟 In this episode, Kelle Sparta invites listeners to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and personal power through guided journaling exercises. Dive deep into your spiritual journey and uncover your desires with Kelle's expert guidance, enhancing your intuition and self-awareness.

Ep 23: Align Wednesdays – Are You Being a Stripper At Work? Can Authenticity and Transparency Be Your Biggest Strength?

In this episode of Spirit Guides Wednesday, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss the importance of stripping away masks in the workplace to embrace authenticity and transparency.

Ep 18: Align Wednesdays – Are You Trapped In The Panic Pivot?

In this episode of Spirit Guides Wednesday, spiritual business coaches, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger, discuss the concept of "panic pivot" in business.

Ep 13: Wednesday – The Devil’s Handshake and Other Bad Ideas

Join host Kelle Sparta and guest Katherine Loranger as they discuss unconscious agreements and their impact on life and business.

Ep 8: Align Wednesdays: Is The Ghost In The Machine Me?

Welcome to this week's episode of "Spirit Guides," where we tackle the intriguing question: Is The Ghost In The Machine Me? Dive into a thought-provoking discussion with Kelle Sparta and her co-host Katherine Loranger as we explore how self-limiting beliefs and fears can stifle entrepreneurs' growth and success. 🌟

Ep 3: Align Wednesdays: Has Anyone Seen My Purpose? I Know I Left It Here Somewhere…

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Align Wednesdays!" 🌟 In this inspiring episode, join Kelle Sparta and her co-host, Katherine Loranger, as they explore the intersections of personal growth, spirituality, and entrepreneurship. Discover how to align your spiritual awakening with your business and personal life to achieve manifest success and find your true purpose. 🚀

Ep 24: Thursday Thoughts – Becoming A Shaman

In this episode of Spirit Guides Wednesday, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss the importance of stripping away masks in the workplace to embrace authenticity and transparency.

Ep 19: Thursday Thoughts: Becoming Magical

In this episode of Spirit Guides Thursday Thoughts, the hosts explore the journey of becoming magical through shamanic practices. They discuss the challenges empaths face in relationships, the importance of a safe container for deep shamanic work, and the process of healing emotional and energetic cracks.

Ep 14: Thursdays Thoughts – Can You Master Your Spiritual Path?

Embark on a journey of spirituality, energy, and personal growth with Kelle Sparta as she shares insights and stories to illuminate your path.

Ep 9: Thursday Thoughts – What Kind of Guides Do I Have?

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Thursday!" In today’s episode, "What Kind of Guides Do I Have?", join Kelle Sparta as she delves into the fascinating world of spirit guides. Discover the various types of guides and learn effective methods to communicate with them to enhance your spiritual journey. 🌀

Ep 4: Thursday Thoughts: Can I Talk to My Spirit Guides?

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Thursday Thoughts!" In this captivating episode, explore the fascinating world of connecting with spirit guides and understanding their messages. Join our hosts as they discuss the powerful roles that spirit guides play in expanding personal power and comfort in one's own skin. 🌈

Ep 25: Ascend Fridays – Sound Healing for Stress Reduction

In this episode of Spirit Guides Wednesday, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss the importance of stripping away masks in the workplace to embrace authenticity and transparency.

Ep 20 : Ascend Fridays: Business Energy Review with Psychic and Akashic Records Reader Michelle Douglas

In this episode of Spirit Guides Friday, a psychic and Akashic Records reader provides a business energy review for small business owner Michelle Douglas. The discussion covers energy readings, chakra blocks, and personal growth, offering insights to help listeners navigate their spiritual and business journeys.

Ep 15: Ascend Friday – Is Your Inner Child In The Driver’s Seat: A Business Energy Review with Colby Jones Travel

Join Kelle Sparta and Colby Jones as they explore the fascinating intersection of business energy and chakras within the travel agency industry. 🌍✨

Ep 10: Ascend Fridays – Sound Healing: Soothing the Inner Child

Welcome to a special session of "Spirit Guides - Sound Healing," dedicated to soothing your inner child through the power of sound healing. Join Kelle Sparta as she guides you through a meditative sound healing session designed to release energetic blocks and foster deep inner peace.

Ep 5: Ascend Fridays: Monster, Monster Go Away, I Have Sacred Space Today

Welcome to "Spirit Guides Friday Ascend!" This episode is a deep dive into the art of creating and maintaining sacred spaces for energetic work. Join hosts Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they lead a transformative shamanic session, casting circles and invoking spiritual protection and balance. 🌀

Join Kelle Sparta, a transformational shaman with nearly five decades of experience, on her podcast “Spirit Guides.” Kelle, who started her spiritual journey at the age of 5, has spent 29 years as a coach and healer, and two decades marketing her services online. She specializes in helping spiritual seekers reach their highest human potential and helps spiritual practitioners, teachers, and coaches achieve six-figure incomes through their passions.

In 1998, Kelle had a spiritual awakening and realized she was dissatisfied with her life despite achieving the “American Dream.” She then sold her possessions, ended her marriage, and moved to live with shamans and witches, spending four years on deep self-healing. Following this period, she embarked on a year-long spiritual pilgrimage, relying on minimal funds and the generosity of others. Her commitment to service led her to develop several iterations of her work, facing challenges until she transformed her writings about her spiritual experiences into an online program. This program, based on her book, eventually grew into three successful coaching programs that significantly impact people’s spiritual journeys.

Today, Kelle offers three impactful coaching programs based on the deep insights from her book and journey, aimed at enhancing the lives of her clients and enabling their spiritual work.


Every week, one lucky listener who subscribes and posts a review on iTunes will be entered into a drawing. Each week one lucky winner will get a free reading on-air from Kelle on the Spirit Guides Podcast. Andone winner will get a grand prize valued at $10,000.

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Weekly winners will be announced on upcoming episodes prior to the $10,000 value Grand Prize Drawing on July 1st 2024.

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If you have a question for Kelle Sparta, speak your question for her in your own voice. She will answer you personally. No question is off limits. Kelle can’t wait to hear from you!